Friday, February 20, 2009

There is a community we need dissolve!

There is a community that needs to be dissolved with immediate effect, as soon as we can. This community is usually aged between age 7 and 26. Basically this community is in the leadership of the youth. Their purpose is to survive, the younger are working for the older to get protection since its “the survival of the fittest”.

This group of youth is exposed to things like drugs, teen age sex, early pregnancy, prostitution and mostly its females that are exposed to most of these things, females are used as sex organs or instruments and that’s how they get money.

This community is invisible to most of us since we are ignorant. On the other hand in the same community there are people who are ex convicts who are more or less the same age as I have mentioned above. These ex convict practice the skills they learned in prison, this includes sodomising of younger boys, braking rules with more tactics and more.

Some of these community members do not want to leave such a life any more, but they don’t have options, they are rejected by you and me. The most decent work they can do is to park cars, or bag for money. Yes you know who I am talking about!

I’m talking about children leaving in the street usually referred to as street kids (or amaferanji in Durban). Yes rejected, ignored with quality ignorance from their black brothers and sisters (mostly). We call them names we ask “why did he run away from school” and we say that in passing because we cannot talk to them “they are too dirt…they will grab my phone or my bag”.

They became a community on the street, since they are rejected. Some of them are there because of their parent’s irresponsibility, at times they are rejected because they are known to have HIV AIDS, and we start pointing fingers at them as community members, hence they look for better communities where they will find acceptance. Others are there because they are irresponsible themselves and they need an adult like you and me, who will be patient and inject responsibility in them. Some of them are orphans and they don’t feel welcomed or accepted in their relatives homes, then they look for freedom where they can easily get money with very less rules.

Time for action has come, what are you doing about it, let us spread this word. I know lazy people won’t read this because its written by this irritating guy from the street kids group. If you have read it then please spread it. I know most people won’t spread this information, but I feel it’s about time truth be told, if you are offended, my apologies, I’m only trying to save the lost community!

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